J&K Counter-Infiltration Operation Kills 5 Terrorists Close To Line Of Control

J&K Counter-Infiltration Operation Kills 5 Terrorists Close To Line Of Control

World Population Day

In Kupwara, Jammu and Kashmir, close to the Line of Control, security forces carried out a counter-infiltration operation and killed five terrorists, according to the police.
The army and police jointly conducted an operation on Thursday night based on a particular tip in the Jumagund region near the LoC in the north Kashmir district, and that is when the encounter began.

Vijay Kumar, the Additional Director General of Police (ADGP), tweeted, “Five (05) foreign #terrorists slain in encounter. There is a search going on in the area.

The confrontation that occurred today is a result of several recent counter-infiltration operations that the security forces were able to stop.

The army stopped an attempt at infiltration yesterday in the Poonch region and found a massive cache of weapons and ammunition.

According to officials, 10 significant infiltration attempts over the Line of Control have been thwarted since February, showing Pakistan’s desperation to introduce terrorists into Jammu and Kashmir.

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